Oseh Ratzono Shel Makom We need to create in Hashem the Ratzon to sustain the world. How do we sustain the world? By Torah and Mitzvos and being honest in business. Al manas l’kabel pras. A pras is a piece – not the whole thing. Dont settle, do it for the Infinite. There are two kinds of eved. One works only for pay and does the lowlier work that is necessaary but not something that one would want to do. The second type of eved does very important fine work that even the master would do. The work necessary to sustain the world is the former kind. Its a junk job, Chitzonius HaRatzon of the Aibishter. This is a very uncommon maamar to dwell on the Chitzonius Ratzon of HaShem. The difference between the service of a yid and a goy is that a yid serves Hashem according to Torah and Mitzvos. A goy is charged with making the world a habitable place. A Yid needs to also act like the goy and also sustain the world by being a good person.