
017 Samech Vov (First Version) – Lulav Vearava – Class 01

Maamar Map:
pp 20-29 (Original Edition) (pp27-40 New Edition) – Three interpretations of לכל תכלה ראיתי קץ
pp 26-27 (pp 36-38) – (Discussion about Atzmus)
p 29 (p 40) רחבה מצותך מאד – Atzmus (Mitzvos)

Everything comes from Taanug. – Everybody has a different personality – Your Chaya is your personality – Everybody likes something different. You can’t change your nature. Your Koach HaTaanug pushes you to do things. Your taanug has to travel to hybrid with the thing that will give you pleasure. This is called Taanug haMurkav. In Chaya the Taanug can be a HaAra of Oneg — giluy Hataanug.
In Yechida the full force of the Yechida can show itself equally in all Koachs. For example in your sekel, Your brain doesn’t blow up from the power of the Neshama, on the contrary the brain becomes able to work in a very refined level able to discern aideler and aideler concepts. To really understand something you need to examine all the details. Learning something basically, is exciting, but learning something deeply in detail is more aidel, boring and loses its energy. But, after all the details, then you back up to the whole and it is so beautiful – one can appreciate the depth of the details and yet not lose the big picture


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