
015 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 03

P 25 (New SV p 35)
Discussion of Seder Hishtalshelus
לכל תכלה ראיתי קץ – Gvul pp 20-24 (27-33) Bli gvul pp 25-28 (pp35-39)
רחבה מצוותך מאד – Atzmus p 29 (p 40)
Gvul – Everything that exists for a specific purpose will have an end. At the end you can see the beginning (tzimtzum HaRishon) and at the beginning, you can see the end (Assiya.)
p 25 (p35) “Even Yechaya” – Tichla means Taanug – every taanug has a limit.
Whole Seder Hishtalshelus is called limited (as compared to Atzmus.)
Discussion of Kav – Bli gvul ohr and gvul kelim. Ohr wants everything unified; Kelim want eveything divided.
In Olomos EinSof (above Atzilus) the Ohr wins and the kelim are overwhelmed. In BiYa the Kelim win and the ohr is hidden. In Atzilus there is a tie – the kelim hold the ohr and the ohr shines.
In Olomos is understanding of the Mhus of Ohr Ain Sof and with regards to Taanug – pleasure from Nothing. In Atzilus there is the understanding of the Mhus of HaAra of Ohr Ain Sof and as regards to taanug – pleasure from something. In BiYA There is understanding of the Metzius of Ohr Ein Sof but not the Mhus.
Definitions: Metzius – that something exists. Mhus – what it IS that exists.


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