P 8 (New SV p 11) Reasons for doing Mitzvos: 1) The Rebbe’s concept of Dira B’tachtonin is that Atzmus, Yesh Haamiti which is found in gashmius, is revealed with each Mitzva. Although the Aibishter is here, the world keeps on being Tachton. 2) Nisyonos and Teshuva. 3) Birurim 4) As we do mitzvos we strengthen the limbs in Atzilus and automatically more light is drawn down into Atzilus. According to classic Kabbalah this is Sovev that morphs into Memale. According to the Rebbe Rashab this is Sovev (or higher) that remains sovev (or higher), joining memale that remains memale.
Ohr Chadash is NOT more light, but a NEW light that never shone before. Etzem HaOhr.