P. 1 (New Sv p 1) Introduction to the Hemshech Samech Vav. Hemshech Samech Vav is very organized from beginning to end, and is complete. The first questions are answered last while the middle questions are answered in the middle. This Hemshech talks about how to reach The Aibishter Himself. It discusses which is better, reaching Him through Torah (a ben) or through Mitzvas and kabalas oyl (an eved) and finally discusses the optimal approach, a ben that becomes an eved.
How to learn a Maamar is discussed. Three times through, once to see what’s going on, twice to learn it, and the third time to experience its light.
What is a hemshech and what is the difference between the maamarim of the Alter Rebbe, the Mittler Rebbe, and the Tzemech Tzedek whose maamarim are single maamarim on timely topics (like a tzaddik who is alwys in the right place at the right time spiritually,) in contrast to the Maamarim of the Rebbe Maharash, the Rebbe Rashab, and the Frierdiker Rebbe whose maamarim extended over many weeks or months (like a baal teshuva who might be holding at Pesach on Rosh Hashana?)
What is considered a question? There are several levels of Torah understanding and each level has its own rules about what constitutes a question. Pshat is the least exacting, while sod is the most precise. Chassidus can answer all questions.
The first question in the Samech Vav is: when Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbos why don’t we blow the Shofar? its such an important and lofty mitzva why should we be deprived of it? The explanation that an am haaretz may come to carry, really doesn’t make any sense. The answer is given.