היושבת בגנים ה’תשי”ג.
The Rebbe takes this to an entirely new level explaining the influence of עצמות that is בהתגלות while being altogether concealed.
Introduction: why is the צמצום הראשון in a way of סילוק- the total removal of the light (rather than מיעוט)?
The traditional answers are:
1) To fortify the שרש הכלים that they should be dominant after the צמצום that they should be the תתאה גבר.
2) To change the quality of the אור אין סוף from being an עיגול to being a קו which is an אור של תתולדה compared to לפני הצמצום.
The Rebbe adds a third and entirely new idea: to reveal the עצם which only emerges in the absence of all אור.
This עצם allows for the התאחדות of אור and כלי. MP3