מדות חג”ת נה”י והחושים. This Perek addresses all ten כחות, but he only explains the three מוחין חב”ד. The seven emotions חג”ת נהי”ם and the five חושים which are ראי’, שמיעה, ריח, טעם, מישוש. We will attempt to explain all these things over the next several classes. In general the emotions in קבלה are only three: a right a left and a center. The two sets of three חג”ת and נה”י are not six emotions but two (very different) sets of three. חג”ת is like the body (expression form) of the mind. נה”י is the spirit and power behind action. We explained: the three emotions and how they are three levels of depth: חסד, אמת, ואמת לאמיתו. We explained the depth of the idea of the middle pole קו האמצעי. There are many questions and discussion (that are very worthwhile) in this recording.