
הוי’ לי בעוזרי ה’תשמ”א.

Class One. This class has a lengthy introduction about Yud Bais Tamuz and the idea of Mesiras Nefesh. The part of the Ma’amar learned is the beginning and the end. The point is that the salvation of Dovid from his challenges and his receiving divine help depends on actually seeing his enemies as a challenge not to be destroyed but transformed! This explains both halves of the Possuk.

Class Two. The alternative is זמירות היו לי חוקיך בבית מגורי This is Dovid saying how Torah gave him joy under difficult conditions when he realized how each detail of Torah changes the entire creation. It is also him disclosing how the Torah was זמירות מלשון לזמר עריצים to cut away his opponents. This is why Dovid was punished, because the point is not to defeat the enemy, but to transform them as indicated in the פסוק on which this Ma’amar is based הוי’ לי בעוזרי וגו.

Class Three. There is a long introduction to the class about the five מאמרים the רבי ריי”צ said in eight days around the time of his liberation. This class discusses תפילה, and how Tefilla brings the person to the level of חוקיך and the level of הוי’ה. The poor person has only one interest: to speak directly to the king; which is the biggest thing imaginable.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three

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