The change in the פסוק נר אלוקים נשמת אדם as opposed to נר הוי’ נשמת אדם as it appears in משלי כ”ז, כ is based on the ירושלמי שבת פ”ב ה”ו. All the Jewish people make up one body with seven branches and seven different types of service to Hashem. The seven רועים shepherds assist us. The נשמה which is the כלי, along with the מצוות which are the wicks, and the תורה which is the oil. Together they light up the world with נר מצוה ותורה אור. Then there is the בירור of the גוף, נפש הבהמית, גלות likened to bitter olives that cause forgetfulness, and through עבודה כמו עיבוד עורות we reveal the אתהפכא לנהורא. It produces an entirely new level of light. Ultimately we reveal that the Jews are not only like interconnected (seven) branches of one מנורה but are “One piece of Gold.