
041 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Aileh Toldos Noach – Class 01

Basic Kabbalah to understand the first 2 1/2 pages of this maamar.

Seder Hishtalshelus is made of Ohr and Kelim. We are just discussing the ohr part. The ohr that comes from Maor is called Meayin hamaor. The light from Elokus is helem B’etzem. Sefiros Ain Keitz.
There is a tzimtzum before Tzimtzum ha Rishon that changes the black light to light that can be become giluy. The kelim are separated somewhat so they can be a zulas so light can shine. Eser Sefiros Hagnuzos.

Tzimtzum Harishon serves two purposes. 1) to create truly separate kelim and 2) to allow for the Kav. This Tzimtzum causes a hefsek in the ohr and creates a makom panoi with No Ohr in it. But the Ohr wants to shine so it forces its way through the TzimTzum (Gevura hane’elam). The kav has two parts, the pnimius is from Tiferes Hane’elam (meayin hamaor) which pushes it through and the chitzonius which is (only) Chesed hane’elam (memale kol Almin). When Ohr is shining without a tzimtzum Harishon it is called a HaOra (it looks like the source. [igul]) After it fights to break through the tzimzum it is called HaOra d’Haora or HaOra nivdeles, or Ohr shel Tolda or Haora l’vad. (This light no longer looks like its source. [now its yashar] Moshol of a hair. Moshol of light from the sun.

Now the Ohr is memale and has a shychus to kelim. There is only ONE Kav. From it comes all the worlds and all the sefiros in each of the worlds. Because it is yashar and the worlds are created in a chain reaction one after the other, ther is now myla and mata and before and after, the creation of makom and zman.

When the kav passes through a parsa, it is changed further to become an Ohr gvul that can go into kelim (Haora d’haora d’haora)


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