
029 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 03

P 35 Old Version; (P 49 New Version)

Pnimius HaRatzon vs Chitzonius HaRatzon
Pnimius HaRatzon is above the state of Helem and Giluy altogether. It has no harcava with anything. It is Bilti Metzius.
Chitzonius HaRatzon is murkav with many things, sekel, Middos etc. It has a certain Metzius. Yesh Taam Kamos B’Ratzon when it is Chitzonius.

Mitzvas are from Pnimius Ratzon HaEtzem Mammash. Hashem wants. It can’t be explained in sekel. Atzmus of Hashem is in each Mitzvah.
Taamei Hamitzvos are only for us to help us be convinced to do them. They are far from the real reasons for them.
Taam Kamus can be Taam B’Eitza or Taam b’Oneg. It is something that can be felt and hence is limited because we are limited.
Taam B’sekel – Ratzon is in the Giluy system.
Shasik rav: In Gemara if a Rav is silent, it is assumed that he is unable to answer a question and he loses an argument. But Rav had a taam higher than sekel, so even though he “lost,” some pasken by him.
Sekel and Taanug are connected (as both go inside.)
Ratzon and Middos are connected (as both go out.)


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