Torah and Mitzvos serve two functions – to fulfill the Pnimius Ratzon of Hashem and also to sustain His Chitzonius Ratzon to create a world. This Ratzon needs to be created by us in Hashem in an ongoing manner. About Talmidei Chachamim it is said, Dont read בניך (Bina)(sons) but בונוך (builders)(chochma.) Who builds the world? the Talmud chacham or the simple yid who does business with Emuna? Yidden need to do their work – malacha – gemmatria 96 same as Keil Adn’ a name for the world of Assiya. There are two kinds of Eved: An Eved Oni does the work that his master won’t do. He works Al manas l’kabel pras, to get a reward. Rich (in Torah) Eved – does the work that the Master would himself would do – Torah. His reward is the work itself.