
017 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 01

Pages יז – יח (Old Edition) Pages כד – כו (New Edition)
This Maamar continues the sugya of Olomos-Gan Eden-Eden from the previous maamar.
In Eden, Atzmus Hataanug – (עין לא ראתה no eye saw it) will shine in L’Asid Lavo.
In Gan Eden there are many levels of HaAra Atzmus Hataanug. The levels are in the Reflector (the understanding) and not in the ohr itself. In Gan Eden we can go higher and higher, but we still need the reflector. We can’t experience Atzmus Hataanug directly.
משובח ומפואר עדי עד שמו הגדול
עד = A) End B) Nitzius Two concepts come out from this:
1) עד ועד בכלל is Gvul. Knowledge is cumulative, all on the same level. The Galgalim know their level and one above it. This is the level of Olomos.
2) עד ולא עד בכלל This is the level of bli gvul. There are an infinite number of different levels each separated by a quantum leap. One must forget the old way of thinking before one can go to a higher level. Ex. Learning Nigleh and Nistar. This is the level of Gan Eden.
3) עד ולא עד בכלל on a higher level – going towards the goal of having a sense of the Aibishter, the higher one goes the more elusive the goal becomes, until finally he knows that he will never reach the goal. This is the level of Eden.


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