
004 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 04

There are three elements to Shofar: Hilchos Shofar, Teshuva, Etzem HaShofar. Our maamar discusses the Teshuva Aspect.
There is a discussion in Chassidus about Sur Me Rah (Do mitzvos through kabbalas oyl – Malchiyos,) Oseh Tov (enlightenment, a richness so its easier to do mitzvos – Zichronos,) and Bakesh Shalom (Tap into the power that Hashem gives – Shofar.)
There are eight questions on page gimmel. 1) Why should Hashem have to remember us? 2)Why is the order of the pesukim Malchios, Zichronos, then Shofros? 3)Why do we first blow the Shofar and then say the pesukim of Malchios and Zichronos? 4)Why do we blow the Shofar BEFORE we say the pesukim? 5)Why on Shabbos when we dont blow, we still have the pesukim of Shofar after the other two? 6) The pesukim of Malchios and Zichronos depend on Shofar. On Shabbos how can they stand alone? 7) there are three pesukim that speak of Shofar. Of these three ideas, of Malchios, Zichronos and Shofros, why are two associated with Rosh Hashana and only one with Yom Kippur? 8)Which correspond to Rosh Hashana and which is Yom Kippur? Answer to 7 and 8 (starting on page 533) these represent three levels of light: Malchios is Memale; Zichronos is Sovev, and Shofros goes on Atzmus (on Yom Kippur.)


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