
007 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana – Class 07

In our Maamar the Rebbe introduces us briefly to three reasons for the purpose of creation from the midrash, the Eitz Chaim and the Zohar. Then he proceeds to discuss each in depth.
The Arizal – the Etz Chaim says that the world was created so Hashem can reveal His shleimos, perfection and peace in his Koach, His possibilities, His Names, His Nicknames – the need for Hashem to express all His Stuff b’giluy. There are problems with this reasoning. 1) To say that HaShem is needy and lacking something, is not correct. 2) If Hashem needs to express His Kochos, He is thinking about Himself and not World.
Torah is ONE, but different levels have different rules. The Arizal is a Kabbalist, therefore he is boxed in to the rules as they are in Atzilus. In Atzilus there are Kochos that need to be expressed, but its in G-dliness, not in G-d. The Arizal’s question applies once the Torah is created and ends in Atzilus. There is not need to create B’YA.
Zohar – Hashem wants to be known – But this only applies to something that is knowable. The Aibishter is not knowable, so it refers to G-dliness within the parameters of Torah.
Dira B’Tachtonim – and why did Hashem make the Torah? Because He wants a Dira B’Tachtonim. Now we are talking about World. We need to change the question. WHY did Hashem create the World is not for us to know, but the question is WHAT does Hashem want from His World? According to Atzilus, and Torah the world should be orderly with everything in its place with unexplained stuff being a mistake. But We can’t know everything and Assiya with all its garbage in it is Truer, This is what Hashem wants.


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