
Ranat Class #23

כל הנקרא בשמי וכבודי בראתי יצרתי ועשיתי Sh’mi goes on Atzilus. K’vodi goes on Malchus of Atzilus , Dibbur and Yesh MeAyin. Speech vs Thought: a) we speak intermittently, b) Speech goes out of you, and 3)the Letters themselves are less aidel than letters of thought. Usually the moshol for YESH MeAyin is Dibbur (Speech) plus Parsa. Three kinds of Tzimtzum: 1) Tzimtzum ha Rishon – Take away all the light (Ohr Ein Sof). The Kav breaks through to get in. The Kav is higher than the Ohr Ein Sof, and higher than the tzimtzum, a brand new strong light. 2) Tzimtzumim – make the light less, the moshol used is usually Dibbur. the created world would be Atzilus like. 3) Parsa – changes the m’hus of the light – it scrambles the letters – Osios bilti sedorim. The worlds no longer get chayas from letters, words, sentences, paragraph, and essays. Instead all the letters are mixed up. But they are Hashem’s Letters and each has tremendous Koach. כל הנקרא בשמי וכבודי בראתי יצרתי ועשיתי Sh’mi goes on Atzilus. K’vodi goes on Malchus of Atzilus, Dibbur. Malchus of Atzilus is a levush, a covering for Atzilus to allow for the creation of the worlds of Beriah, Yetzira, and Assiya.


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