
Ranat Class #09

Shiur #1: P 10-11 have a very different flavor from the rest of the maamar – very kabbalistic and very b’kitzur. Why? The previous maamar spoke of 1) reproduction, 2)ideas and words, 3) Ohr and Kelim, and 4) Neshama in a guf. The main component in the above is the m’kabel and how she not only receives but also gives back something extra to the mashpia. This section speaks of the mashpia – which is not the point so it is b’kitzur. To create Yesh m’ayin one needs a koach Ein Sof. Where is this Koach HaAtzmi manifest in hishtalshelus? 1) from the Ohr? or 2) From Malchus – the mekabel? Only Hashem the Yesh HaAmiti can create a yesh nivra. How does this power get to us? It passes through the Ohr. Because the Ohr is attached to Hashem. and 2) it is in Malchus – Bittul is a keli for Hashem. How does Hashem package the Ohr Ein Sof? 1) Ohr by itself is Ohr not etzem. 2) Dvar Ein Sof is one with Malchus mamash. There is the Etzem. Having children is Yesh M’Ayin. The infinite power needs to be in BOTH the mashpia and the m’kabel. The Etzem is already in Malchus. On the day of the chasuna the Kallah gives the Choson a crown and empowers him to be a mashpia. The Queen makes the king a KING. The keli brings out the power of the Ohr.


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