Q2 Why is Rosh Hashana on 1 Tishrei, when Adam HaRishon was created and not 25 Elul, the birthday of the world? Rosh Hashana is the day of the coronation of the King. The nation shuts down and everybody is bittul to the king. This brings out His mida of Romemus, and Hashem gives us His Atzmus 100%. On Rosh Hashana the King says I care if you do mitzvas or not. Adam HaRishon effected this in Hashem. Q3 Why is there no mention of Yom HaDin in connection with Rosh Hashana in the Torah? Rosh Hashana b’pnimius we make Hashem King, b’chitzonius we are judged. Making Hashem a king and asking for our needs in Shemone Esrai are 2 opposite things. On Rosh Hashana we are so bittul to Hashem that all our needs are only to be able to do Hashem’s mitzvos. MP3