
Ranat Class #4

The Flow of the Maamar: Midrash: Bereishis bara Elokim – first with Elokim – midas Hadin, then Havaya Elokim, He added midas Harachamim. Maamarim 1 and 2: Moshol from a Midrash about the fine, delicate kosos (goblets) of a king. If he filled them with hot water they would crack, cold and they would get thick and grimy, so he mixed the two and it worked. The Rebbe wants to show that Midrashim are very important so he spends 2 maamarim explaining the concept of a Kos. A physical kos only holds liquids, but a spiritual kos also gives back. Examples are husband and wife, sechel and dibbur, oros and kelim, neshama in a guf, Torah and Yidden. In each case the mekabel comes from a higher source than the mashpia, but needs the mashpia to bring it out. What happens if Hashem creates the world only with Midas HaDin? Maamar 3 – we would be in a state of Mesiras Nefesh all the time. Maamarim 4 and 5: Hashem would be so hidden that we would forget about Him. Maamar 6 – What Happens if Hashem creates the world only with Midas Harachamim? plus a deeper look at midas haDin. Maamarim 7 and 8 explore what happens when the two are mixed on one, and then on a second level. Inside: p.2 middle of page. Kos yeshuos = Malchus; Knesses Yisroel = Kos shel Brocha; Kos = yesod nukva; Kos = gematria 86 =Elokim


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