
Halel (4 Classes)

Monday 18 Sivan 5773/ May 27, 2013. Class One. The first of a few classes on Halel. Halel predates the Siddur and may in fact be Biblical. Whole vs. half Halel. The Bracha. It must not be said every day. The Chassidus (Derech mitzvosecha) of Halel.

Monday 25 Sivan 5773/ June 3, 2013. Class Two. Review, The Brachos (before and after) Halel. Boruch ata Hashem Elokainu Melech haolam, Asher Kidshanu BiMitzvosav ViTzivanu…’, the Bracha before: Likro Es HaHalel, and the Bracha after in all of its aspects.

Monday 9 Tammuz 5773/ June 17 2013. Class Three. This class addresses the question of why the last nine (or ten) P’sukim of Halel are repeated. It explains the meaning of repetition in Torah SheBiksav and the repetition (Targum) of Torah SheBaal Peh. In the end of Halel, it has to do with Dovid haMelech (Malchus) and his survival and success.

Monday 16 Tamuz 5773/ June 24 2013 Class Four. This class wonderfully culminates this four part series on Halel. It argues that much of Halel is repetitive, representing higher Godliness (Havaya diLaila) not needed on Rosh Chodesh, which is why we skip the parts that repeat in the middle of Halel. It solidifies many of the ideas in the previous classes.

Class One
Class Two
Class Three
Class Four

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