Part 3: Mazal from above. B’gashmius Aretz Yisroel and Har Hermon (levanon). B’Ruchnius Levanon = lev [32 paths of chochma] Nun 50 gates of bina, higher than Seder Hishtalshelus (7 Middos). Galgalim – 70 nations under malachim from galgal 8. Yidden from ayin – higher. 13 middos harachamim. Mayim Tachtonim – work, earn, get, rain vs Mayim Elyonim above avoda. 3 explanations of source of rain. a) Peleg Elokim…treasure house or room in shamayim with water. b) When Moshiach comes the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun now, and the light of the sun will be shivasayim (7×7) x the light of creation which is 7 times stronger than the current light of the sun =343 times = gematria geshem. c) chochma and bina: Hakol b”mazal talya Sefer / sippur / Sofer =Bina, Chochma, Kesser. MP3