Class 5a: Special shiur. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU, HISKALELUS. question and answer, rejection. Through this inyan, we can see the development of an idea in chassidus by the Rebbe Rashab. In our maamar in 5643 The Rebbe concludes that the inyan needs much further investigation, while in 5672 it is explained smoothly with no problems. ACAHALIFU DUCHTAYHU means changing the place of – it refers to the Neshama, and as a moshal for memale kol almin only that specific neshama “fits” that specific part of the guf to make it function. HISKALELUS refers to the guf in which each limb contains all 613 parts, and the whole guf wants to be ONE and share with each part of it. Back to the neshama, Acahalifu duchtayhu would be that Ohr Chessed would go into the keli of gevura and vice versa and contrary to the above it would actually work! How could this be?!
The Rebbe explains: even though each neshama is specific, nevertheless we must say that each part also has each other part incorporated in it since if your head hurts you can not walk. But this hiskalelus is AFTER the neshama gets into the guf, before that the neshama contains 613 separate powers. Therefore the hiskalelus is from the GUF. How can we explain it in the neshama? and in mem-gimmel the Rebbe has no explanation.
From ayin-beis: Chabad Chassidus only follows specific kabbalists. Most maamarim are based on the Pardes. The ayin-beis is based on the Eitz Chaim , the Arizal.The Pardes says Tohu sh’B’Tikun, while the Eitz Chaim holds Tikun sh’B’Tikun, i.e. the Pardes says that that the Ohr Ein Sof that goes into the kelim of Atzilus is a pashut light like clear water in a colored glass, and therefore acahalifu duchtayhu can’t happen. The Eitz Chaim says that the light is also specific, so while acahlifu duchtayhu can’t occur in a neshama in a guf, it can occur in Atzilus when the chessed light goes into the gevura keli and it works because it is Ohr Ein Sof and is infinite and also has all the other lights included there as well. An infinite light with a personality. MP3