Class 9a: Where in HISHTALSHELUS does SOVEV kol ALMIN begin? RATZON KLALI. Be careful when dealing with Kabbalah not to diminish Hashem. But Kabbalah allows us to have a relativity with Hashem. Hashem doesn’t have to do anything in a particular way. He chose to make the world orderly so we can connect to Him.
Use the charts in the pdf. Note Atzilus Haklali, Beriah Haklali…Atzilus haprati, B’eriah Haprati etc. RATZON HAPASHUT: Hashem wanted and the World immediately came into being, even the goshmius of the world, but it was still a part of Hashem. This is not yet Sovev. Then there is the need for Hashem to “hide” to get to our world today. Tzimtzum. Sovev starts after Tzimtzum. Sovev kal ALMIN An infinite force connected to the WORLD.
YECHOLES VS KOACH. YECHOLES = possibility =Nefesh Noseh Kohos = Aino Metzius b’baalei Yecoles. KOCHOS = strengths = HaKohos hakelulam b’nefesh, yeshna metzius baalei hakochos. Sovev starts with Kochos. MP3