
Class 69

Class 14: The concept of “AYIN” is beyond comprehension to us, but INSIGNIFICANT to HIM. Yesh MeAyin – world comes into being every instant – illustrated by 3 stories about tzaddikim davenning for their needs, but yesh M’ayin is only a haarah. Mattan Torah is Atzmus b’giluy in Torah. Yesh HaAmiti – this is the Aibishter, a truly independent being. Yesh Hanivra – Hashem made us think that we are independent. YESH AYIN AYIN YESH. From Hashem’s point of view,(1st ayin) our Ayin is totally insignificant, but from our point of view, the (2nd) ayin is totally incomprehensible to us. Yesh m’ayin: the Ayin is much too far removed for us to be a direct source. Our source is Malchus of Atzilus – i.e. Hashem’s “speech”, the world, appears to be separate from Him. Thought is one with the Aibishter. there are two creations – first thought, then speech. So why does Hashem introduce Himself to us through yetzius mitzrayim and not creation? because the creation yesh m’ayin is only a haArah. But yetzius Mitzrayim, makos bechoros, and Kriyas yam suf, and Mattan Torah are all a revelation of Atzmus. Nimna Nimnaos, 2 opposites at the same time.


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