
Class 72

Class 17: Chochma – identifies which sound should come from a given motza. Tziruf into words, sentences etc. The Root of letters is from Atzmus. Chochma carries the osios into Malchus, where the light is diminished and the individual oisios can emerge, first by being divided into 5 categories: the throat, the tongue, the lips, the teeth, and the palate, and then each of these into 4 or 5 letters with chochma determining which sound will emerge from identical physical configurations. There are 22 letters, chochma now combines them into words, sentences, and paragraphs, while Malchus separates each word individually. Bina determines what is being talked about. A parrot can “talk”, but it is only with its lips. There is no pnimius in it. A child lacks chochma and hence can not speak even though he has a kol, thought and emotions. Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and orangutans have exactly the same vocal chords but can’t speak because they lack chochma. Four levels of Sechel: 1) Mechanical use of tools 2) Use on mind to understand emotion. 3) Ability to create words 4) Abstract reasoning from physical, spirituality, about Hashem.


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