Class 18: ANOCHI- took us out of every MITZRAYIM. Review Speech and inside p. 117 7 lines from bottom.Speech is mostly Malchus with a little Chochma. When Hashem uses speech to create the world, it is only a HaAra from Malchus – Chitzonius. Yesh M’Ayin is only a HaArah. Perek tes. Anochi Havaya Eloka…Who took you out of Mitzrayim, out of all limitations, I Who am relating to Myself – My Atzmus and Mehus not merely a ha’arah. I (Hashem) am giving Me to you, asher kiddeshanu, We are married. How can we explain that Hashem cares so much for us? There were three events that only Atzmus can do. 1) Makos Bechoros: a) happened exactly at chatzos, midnight. There really is not such time. Chatzos is the “corner” between the 6 hours of evening on one day and 6 hours of night of the second day. It is a purely ruchniusdike concept. b) Chessed saved the yidden and Gevurah destroyed the Mitzrim at exactly the same time. Two opposite things at once. c) Twelve hours later at noon chatzos, Hashem shined a light and we went from being slaves to being free men. 2) Krias Yam Suf: Hidden world merged with the revealed world,or the revealed world merged with the hidden world. 3) Mattan Torah: One yid does a mitzva and its more important than the whole creation. MP3