
Class 40

Part 3: Questions regarding Korbanos. Kabbala versus Chakira. By Korbonos Torah says MY korbon, MY bread for MY fire. MY is Hashem. Philosophers have a problem with the concept of Hashem eating, so they said that the korbonos are really food for the melachim that are called Eishim. The problem with this is that it is not the lashon of the posuk. The posuk says MY = Aibishter = Atzmus. Question: Why does the Aibishter need food? Originally the Yidden lived with emuna pshuta. As such they had no problems with contradictions or with Hashem speaking, doing, thinking, etc. But then there was a resurgence of Aristotelian philosophy in the Arab world and they began asking questions about Hashem that the Yidden couldn’t answer. So they studied the goyishe philosophy and came to the conclusion that Chachmas Moshe is chitzonius and chachmas Aristotle is pnimius. With this erroneous belief the yidden were getting lost in growing numbers, so the chachamim tried to explain the Aibishter within the parameters of the manmade philosophy. Their one size fits all answer to anthropomorphism is that Torah speaks in the language of man, it was AS IF Hashem did such and such. This approach brought people back, but left many awkward, contrived explanations. In Europe the Yidden who remained with their emuna peshuta didn’t experience these problems and thought the philosophers were apikorsim.


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