16 Memalei Kol Almin – maashal from the neshama. Review: Zman and Makom Atzmi vs Zman and Makom that can be counted. One space for all Nivraim (Sovev) or each nivra makes its own space (memale). Is the Aibishter the Source of the world? The Source needs creation to be fulfilled and exist. So the Aibishter is NOT the source of the worlds. He doesn’t need us. Makor – 1) we come from it. 2) it needs us and it must be close enough to be direct. We are from parents and grandparents, but not from great great grandparents. Neshamas in a guf are individual and distinct. Each neshama matches and gives life to each guf. (Not like a battery that one size works in any creation.) Guf (and neshamas) divide into three main sections, the brain, the heart, and the respiratory organs and each group continues to divide into tiny pieces. In this way Light comes into the world to animate them, thus the Alter Rebbe says that Memale Kol Almin is the Source of the world and not Sovev (not like a battery) which is too far removed to be a source. MP3