OROS and KEILIM- two opposite systems. Atzilus is the light of Hashem revealed. Here the Oros and kelim come together. There are 4 basic characteristics of each. The Ohr is 1) bli gvul (unlimited) 2) giluy (reveals its source) 3) Devekus (attached to its source) and 4) pshitus (plain not divided). The Kelim are the opposite. 1) gvul (finite) 2) helem ( hide the source) 3) nivdal (separated from their source) and 4) hishalkus (divided into many parts). Kelim hide the etzem of the light but in doing so the chitzonius of the light is revealed. Torah is the blueprint of the world and rules the world but not chas v’shalom Hashem. One can’t say that Hashem must do something or can’t do something. He has agreed to follow the rules set out in the Torah but He doesn’t have to.