05. Wednesday 27 Teves 5777/ January 25 2017. אנא בכח (Machon Chana) Class Five.
Posted: February 10, 2018
05. אנא בכח Class Five. This class is very long. The גר”א continued. The fourth millennia is נצח during which both בתי מקדש were destroyed. We explain the irony in רחמי צדקתך to help illustrate this. The fifth millennia is entirely Galus: הוד like דוה. At this point Yidden are called עדתיך denoting 1) even רשעים, and 2) the idea of being witnesses. The sixth millennia is the era in which Moshiach comes. We survive on אמונה which is referred to here with the idea of זוכרי קדושתיך. The seventh millennia is all Shabbos and even צדיקים do תשובה which is the meaning of שועתינו קבל ושמע צעקתינו.