06. Abayey Class Six. Wednesday 7 Kislev 5777/ December 7 2016. אביי
Posted: February 10, 2018
06. אבייClass Six. Reading continued. אברים the pleasure of total transformation אהבה בתענוגים. At this point one’s life turns around and he lives to give to others.יהי’ שם שמים מתאהב על ידך. Bread, מנחה, internalizing the inspiration one gives [limited but internalized]. The bread represents חביתין .חסד done each day by the Kohen Gadol was divided repeatedly, indicating the Gevura of bread and how it too was sweetened. נסכים wine is also Gevura, joy that needs to be guarded, but in this case it was יין המשמח ולא יין המשכרץ. Musafim is the union of קוב”ה ושכנתי’ה, the Mekabel can also be Mashpia. בזיכים what went on the Mizbeach from the לחם הפניםת, which had only faces. What this means spiritually. Bread of Godliness that is higher than reason altogether.