Class One. There are a few different themes among the many מאמרי זכור. This one is about the idea of דרך. Why is the עמלק attack linked to these two clues: 1) on the דרך; and 2) after leaving מצרים. Answers: 1) In מצרים, they were out of עמלק’s reach because: A. there they had only אמונה and עמלק had no hold there; B. After leaving מצרים they were on a high enough level to be attacked for small infractions; like the רבב בבגד תלמיד חכם. 2) They were on the דרך תורה ומצוות as understood in the פסוק ושמרו דרל הוי’ה לעשות צדקה ומשפט which correspond to תורה ומצוות. When they met and fought and defeated עמלק there was a new דרך of correcting קליפה; this caused יתרו to come, as it says וישמע… מה שמע ובא… ומלחמת עמלק; he said if Yidden are involved in בירור then there is place for me here too. Since there would have been no תורה without יתרו this event turns out to be very important.
Class One.
Class Two. This Journey of elevating קליפה including עמלק is about ויזנב כל הנחשלים the stragglers who fail to bring along their sparks and elevate their souls; but דן corrects them and elevates them anyway. In time this is us: the last generation who pick up all the missed sparks and bring the גאולה. This is another explanation of והאיש עני, especially to our generation!