Class One. This class exposes the fact that the Rebbe is basing this Ma’amar on the Ma’amar of the Previous Rebbe, yet he takes it in an entirely different direction, making this Ma’amar quite original. The conflicting Midrashim: Does the sea need the Jew or the Jew need the sea, is explained by the Previous Rebbe in one way and here (by our Rebbe) in quite another. There are two levels of the sea. The Chitzoniyus of the sea needs the Jew, the Pnimiyus of the sea is the Jew’s reward.
Class Two. Two levels of Bittul: Bittul HaYesh and Bittul BiMtzius. These two levels are the preparation of galus Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf. What the two bittuls mean. The splitting of the River when Moshiach comes represents the Bittul BiMyzius which will be from the revelation of Pnimiyus Atik, which will be permanent.