
Kapital 112 (5773/2013).

Short Version Kapital 112 (5773/2013). (Beis Rivka seminary). This kapital (112), deals with a Yid who is on the level of BiChal MiOdecha, it is all for God. and he achieves blessing also on the earth. The first part of the Kapital is between man and God and the rest is about the relationship with other people and his Mesiras Nefesh in kindness. His Schar.

Long Version from Beis Midrash Linashim.

Class One. Rebbe’s Kapital (1). 1) Introduction, This kapital like the last one follows the seder of Aleph Bais in an exact order, where all twenty two letters are (exactly) in ten P’sukim and what it means. 2) Simple reading inside and translating of the Perek.

Class Two. Introduction to the deeper level of the Kapital. 1) This Kapital is about a Yid on the level of BiChol MiOdecha, what does that mean? A. Mlachtecha Naasis Al yedei acheirim, B. Osim R’tzono Shel makom. 2) This Perek goes on I. Avrohom Avinu, II. A Ba’al T’shuva and Kovesh Es Yitzro, III. A Tzadik on the level of B’chol Miodecha, 3) part of Perek deals with Bain Adam Lamakom, and the other part Bain Adam Lachavairo, (besides for the first and the last two P’sukim). 4) Gibor BaAretz, this person’s greatness is in his Gevura (strength) to influence even the physical world, 5) ‘Libo’, his heart means Hashem (see Igeres HaKodesh 31), 6) Tzidkaso and Tzadik, with and without Yud. Opens and closes without Yud (Emuna), in between there is twice with a Yud (light).

Class Three. Kapital 112 as it relates to Avrohom Avinu. He was before Mattan Torah and his entire Avoda was Mesiras Nefesh, as it is expressed in this Kapital.

Class Four. Kapital 112 as it relates to the Ba’al T’shuva. He is far and runs with all his might (B’chol MiOdecha) to Hashem. In this version the ideas of the kapital are interpreted to reflect this personality.

Short Version
Class One
Class Two
Class Three
Class Four

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