Class One. The Midrash discusses the idea of טובים השניים מן האחד by the communication of the first Mitzvah. Moshe and Aharon שושבינא דמלכא שושבינא דמטרוניתא. Physical vs. Spiritual Chometz. Torah is Bitul, Aharon is love, love cannot achieve the Bitul Torah can. [Therefore two anticipated in this first communication].
Class Two. Moshe and Aharon are opposites: Aharon 1) creates love among Jews, 2) Creates love between man and God. Two ideas in love 1) You feel the light and the warmth of the love, 2) You feel the urge and passion of the love, but not the warmth. This separates great Jews from ordinary ones. Aharon can raise us very high, but we won’t feel the warmth and love of the highest light. The divine pronouncements will allow us to feel the light and warmth on the higher levels but it is very temporary. Moshe in Torah brings us Bittul and the highest light revealed and felt, the light and the warmth are brought to a state of Pnimiyus.