1) Mishpatim mean the Mitzvos that we have in common with Goyim, yet you must learn them from Torah and Bati Din yisroel, because… 2) Tasim means the hidden level of Torah and 3) Lifnaihem means the Pnimiyus of the Neshama. Which is not available in non-Torah sources. 4) It must be pointed out that this applies to every Yid even the simple ones as the Torah follows up that we can at least be an Eved Ivri. Moreover even a higher Neshama (Zera Adam) must have Kabbalas Ol as even his neshama is in a body and animal soul. 5) the koach for this comes from Moshe Rabeinu and the fact that we all have Neshamos from the highest level and that the Neshama comes down as a Kinya (relocating it) without any change whatsoever.