Class One. Basi Ligani 5732 is (perhaps) a follow up to the end of Basi Ligani 5712. There he concluded chapter 4 with the idea of Yiddishkeit without any intellectual reason or any reciprocity at all. This entire Maamar revolves around the following idea: Perek 1 spoke of bringing G-dliness down and making Him a home (Ishapecha) while Perek 2 deals with (Iskafia) the raising up of Korbonos, that is all together beyond reason, as there is no return from it. This is most emphatic in the Bittul of Avodas HaAdam and in the Koved Rosh that comes before one Davens.
Class One
Class Two. The second shiur on Basi Ligani 5732 is more direct and easier to learn in the Maamar. The first shiur dealt with the Bitul to Atzmus, while this one deals with a Bittul to Ohr Ein Sof, but very high levels of Ohr affecting a Kalos HaNefesh and a hiskalelus in the Ohr that is Iskafia/Bitul like. This is not the absolute Bittul to Atzmus discussed previously, but it is Bittul and Aliya nevertheless.