Class One. This class is about the first part of this Ma’amar. 1) Review of the Basi Ligani from the beginning. 2) The difference between the ק and the ה; as it is broken down into ד vs ה and ר vs ק. The דל”ת is like the Pintele Yid; while the ה”י is like the fully developed Jew. The need for the ה to complete the דל”ת that already has Bittul.
Class One
Class Two. This Class makes one point: both in good (ד vs ה) and bad (ר vs ק) the action is the primary thing. Good isn’t alive without action, evil isn’t that evil until action. He brings a proof from each of the Rabeiim to this point. He concludes that the אתכפיא ואתהפכא makes the ק into קדושה and the ראש התיבה of the word קרש!