
Hu Aharon Umoshe 5744.

Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar discusses the dual expression in the Possuk Aharon UMoshe and Moshe ViAharon. It is explained this on four levels: 1) Each does a different task- Aharon does Yetzias Mitzrayim and Moshe the bittul of the Pharaoh, 2) Each needs the others assistance, but the primary player in each case is the one whose Mida it is and the other helps, 3) each one does the opposite of his Mida (as we learn from Kavod and Mora of father and mother) Moshe does Yetzias Mitzrayim and Aharon gives the Torah, 4) Each does his own Mida (not the opposite) because when a Shliach of Hashem there is no Metzius, other than the Mishaleach and there is no need for taking the opposite Mida.

Class One

Class Two. The seven laws of Noach are only now possible for Jewish people to teach to non-Jews, in preparation for Moshiach, This renewed possibility, also draws its strength from the Torah and Sinai. The seven laws also are practiced because of Sinai and not because of earlier commands like Bris Mila etc. by Yidden! Yetzias Mitzrayim could have been Moshiach, so all the conditions present now were present in Mitzrayim as well- drawing strength from the Torah to transform Mitzrayim. This power was in Yosef’s hands and he got them from Yehuda not the Pharaoh. Accordingly, the protest of ‘Lama HaReiosa’ made by Moshe in Egypt can be repeated now as well.

Class Two

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