Class One. The two levels of a Yid’s relationship to the Torah (based on the two levels of the Neshama this Hemshech explores): Torah that feeds a Yid ישראל אתקשראי באורייתא ואורייתא בקודשא בריך הוא Torah that needs a Yid to have it (more deeply) connect(ed) to Hashem. לשמה. דוד הי’ מקשר תורה שלמעלה עם הקב”ה.
Class Two. 1) עתיק it’s meaning and implication. 2) Three levels in Atzilus: Sfiros, Pnimiyus Abba Pnimiyus Atik, Oneg by itself. 3) Pnimiyus and Chitzonius A”K. 4) Tehiru Tataa and Tehiru Illaa before the Tzimtzum.
Class Three. The various ways a Yid is above the Torah and can change it. 1) Chidushei Torah, 2) following the minority opinion when necessary, 3) עת לעשות להוי’ הפרו תורתיך against the rules of Torah itself, to refrain from an Asei because of Chachomim, 4) Halocha and Piskei Dinim. Ya’akov is the lower level of the neshama and it is also linked to the idea of מאורסה, that the Torah is the כלה and Yidden are the חתן. There’s a joining of the lowest Neshama and the idea of being a Mashpia to Torah!