
תקעו בחדש שופר תשמ”ג

Class One. This class revolves around the Paragraph in Siddur: היום הרת עולם היום יעמוד במשפט כל יצורי עולמים אם כבנים אם כעבדים היום הרת עולם means that today man was not only created but conceived, originally as four separate elements and only afterwards joined together, so the Avoda must involve the ideas of each of the four elements separately and only afterwards as they are joined. The ideas are: 1) Kabalas Ol Malchus Shamayim, 2) Torah and Mitzvos, 3) Different ideas of Teshuva. היום יעמוד Hashem stands us up strongly and erect במשפט in His mercy. כל יצורי עולמים through the Jewish people the entire creation is uplifted and nothing is lost.

Class Two. This class explains the Possuk תקעו בחדש שופר in light of the idea of היום הרת עולם. Bachodesh Shofar means that there needs to be a newness to Avodah. Tiku means to plant oneself with a firmness in something. 1) In Torah and Mitzvos 2) In Hashem. This second idea strengthens us to make Him King based on the principle of עבד מלך מלך.

Class One
Class Two

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