3. Kunteres Acharon 5-9. Essay 5 is some more notes of a very abstract nature (connected pretty directly to the previous essay). It deals with the mystical value of studying halachos that don’t never have nor ever will be of practical worth. He explains that all Torah effects a birur at least on high. Essay 6 explains the inner (Infinite G-Dly delight) and outer (how it can affect our lives and assist in dealing with our troubles) levels of Torah. It is against the backdrop of King Dovid referring to Torah as Zemiros (song; the power to cut off opposition) for which he was punished. Essay 7 introduces the idea of Eisan (the power of the essence), which we can tap into in part even now through Tzedaka. Essays 8-9 deal with Davening (for the most part). They address how meaningful Davening is as it inspires several of the most basic Mitzvos in Torah. He laments chazanim who rush through the prayers and deprive others of their opportunity to pray. He also laments talking during davening. The end of the last essay in Tanya discusses the custom of completing the SHA”S in every community, as well as the importance of knowing (and practicing) Hilchos Shabbos.