
Likutei Amarim – Beinonim – Class 08

This class includes a rich introduction that discusses Kabbala and the significance and relevance of Kabbala’s contribution to Yiddishkeit – the idea of G-dliness (Elokus). Chapters 23 and 24 apply the theoretical notions of achdus (oneness) and avodah zara (idol worship – literally alien worship) discussed in chapters 20-22. Chapter 23 discusses mitzvos and Torah – each mitzvah is a merkava (a chariot) for the unity of G-d. Torah is the unity itself. Chapter 24 discusses averos (sins) and avodah zara. Each avera (sin) is a merkava for the plurality of Creation – avodah zara is the plurality itself. This model of Torah and mitzvos and their opposite indicates how each mitzah is equal to any other – as they all declare Hashem’s unity. The same is true in the converse for all averos. The Alter Rebbe argues, that any distinction drawn between one mitzvah and another is rooted in ruach shtus (a spirit of folly). The conclusion is that this mindset – that in reality all mitzvos are equal and all sins are equal – can motivate a person to do all mitzvos and never to sin in the same way one would not worship idols.


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