Vaeschanan 06:04 – Shema Yisroel (02) [Eikev] – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema Yisroel (2007)
Posted: November 2, 2017
Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class Two on Shma) [Eikev] 2007 – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema Yisroel Part Two in the Mini-Series on Shema Yisroel continues the discussion of Shema Yisroel from the perspective of both philosophy (based on the Rambam) and Kabbala (drawing on Rabbenu Bechaye). . Women’s and Girl’s Beis Midrash and Seminary for Higher Learning Parsha Series. Many thanks to the Director, Rebbetzin Ariella Benhiyoun, for making these classes available.
Vaeschanan 06-04 (Class Two on Shema) [Eikev] 2007 – Philosophy Versus Kabbala on Shema Yisroel