Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 1 (8). Introduction to Perek 2, about ואלה המשפטים אשר תשים לפניהם as a instruction to Moshe about raising us up to Atzilus, and this is qualified by what follows: כי תקנה עבד עברי…
Eved Ivri, Perek 2 Class 1 (8)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 2 (9). This class was a lot of reading inside. The topic was Atzilus vs the lower worlds. In a word the four worlds are: 1) Acceptance, 2) Nature (personality), 3) Mind (no personality constraints), 4) Merkava (chariot- Hashem rests on him). Atzilus isn’t a creation, it is merely revelation גילוי ההעלם and as such is G-dly in nature, and the Neshamos from there have Da’as. The lower worlds are created יש מאין, they are “new” and as such the Neshamos (and Malachim) in those worlds do not have natural “Da’as” in Elokus. So, Moshe must give it to them.
Eved Ivri, Perek 2 Class 2 (9)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 3 (10). Inside: Moshe is really from higher than Atzilus, this is what qualifies him to bring to us Da’as. He brings it to us and the Malachim when we Daven and particularly when we say Kedusha.
Eved Ivri, Perek 2 Class 3 (10)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 4 (11). Inside. 1) From the Sefer HaTemuna: The idea of 50,000 Yovlos, and we are the second Shmitta of the first Yovel. The Arizal holds that all the years besides for our Shmitta are spiritual, and he is the פוסק אחרון for us in all matters of פנימיות התורה. The first Shmitta was Chessed, we are Gevura. According to the Arizal that the first Shmitta is Ruchniyus, it was Tohu and we are Tikkun. 2) Moshe and Chanoch come from the first Shmitta to us. He explains that the Olom of Nekudim is from the eyes of A”K, and we discussed the problem with this. (Perhaps only the Neshamos of Nekudim are from the eyes of A”K ועצ”ע).
Eved Ivri, Perek 2 Class 4 (11)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 5 (12). This class was a lecture (no text) about Tohu (or: Gilui Mihus HaEtzem, or Nikudim) called “Iggulim”. The idea of Gilui vs Etzem and the dangers of Gilui HaEtzem. In Iggulim there is no Hishtalshelus, Moshe’s Neshama comes from there.
Eved Ivri, Perek 2 Class 5 (12)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 6 (13). Inside. Iggulim, revelation as the Etzem is, No Hishtalshelus. 1st Mashal, the globe, no one falls as there are no sides. 2nd Mashal when subconscious feeds conscious, no steps and no knowable process. אף על גב דאיהוט לא חזי מזלי חזי.
Eved Ivri, Perek 2 Class 6 (13)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 7 (14). 1) The idea of כי א-ל דעות הוי’ה, there are three things: 1) הוי’ה and 2-3) the two דיעות. 2) Moshe is able to give us Da’as not because he has Da’as (i.e. is Atzlius) but because he is Da’as Elyon, or Da’as of Iggulim, or (as we’ll see IYH) he’s Yadua and not Yodea. 3) How are Da’as Elyon and Tachton normally explained.
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 7 (14).
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 8 (15). The idea of תוארים is introduced. 1) He has whatever we have, because we have it from Him. 2) But He is One, so all the attributes are part of His Oneness. 3) The idea of הוא הידוע the world IS Him, so there is no ידיעה in anything outside of Himself. 4) The idea of הוא המדע the Koach is One with Him.
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 8 (15).
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 9 (16) There are two ideas regarding תוארים: 1) Inasmuch as He is giving (and involved) to the world only the effect of each תואר וכח is in a relationship with Him. The נפעל not the פועל or the פעולה. 2) Then there is the idea of His שלימות and the פסוקים we address the question of תוארים more complexly. Here we need to explain even the פעולה and it’s involvement with Him. For this the resolution is הוא היודע הוא הידוע והוא המדע. This the Tzemach Tzedek says is only true in Atzilus but not higher. The RaMaK is the first, but after him the attitude of the מקובלים to the רמב”ם changes.
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 9 (16).
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 10 (17) Chakira being joined with Kabbalah beginning with the RaMaK and continuing into Chabad Chassidus. Why is the Achdus of Hashem and His Kochos only Atzilus? Answer: because in Chakirah, Atzmus is Sechel, so unity isn’t like it is in Kabbalah at all.
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 10 (17)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 11 (18) After a three class discussion on Toarim, we concluded one (relevant) thing. The RaMbaM, (in as much as he is a Choker, to whom Atzmus is Sechel,) cannot escape the idea of Yodea, Yadua, Mada, in (the equivalent of) Keilim. And as such there is before and after (in idea though not in time). This then becomes the way we explain דעת תחתון which happens in a way of התלבשות.
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 11 (18)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 12 (19) This class has an introduction about the Rebbe’s life and 10 Shvat. Da’as Elyon is when it isn’t like the RaMbaM, הוא היודע הוא הידוע הוא המדע עצמה, i.e. the knowledge WITH כלים, but like knowledge WITHOUT כלים. He doesn’t know, it is known automatically. There is no קדימה to the יודע over the ידיעה and ידוע on (either level קדימה בזמן and even) קדימה בהיכרח.
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 12 (19)
Eved Ivri Perek 2, Class 13 (20). End of Perek 2, conclusion of discussion of why it is Moshe specifically who can give Yidden Da’as. Because he is from Da’as Elyon, to whom high and low are equal. He is Da’as without a Keli and as such can give Da’as to those who lack Kelim. This is the position of this Ma’amar, (perhaps,) though other Ma’amarim explain it quite differently.