Vayedaber Elokim 5738 Class One. This Ma’amar goes through three points in the process of Galus to geula. Point One: In Galus. We should see and celebrate all the good we see (especially now at the end of Galus) but we aren’t. There is darkness but it is His will, the truth of it is for Geula. As Hashem says וידבר אלוקים אל משה ויאמר אליו אני הוי’ה the truth of Elokim is Havaya. Avoda: Like the non-Jew who disturbs just for us to overcome. Point Two: Geula, Lachain… Ani Havaya, to the future. Galus is like a state of pregnancy, even when the baby is whole it isn’t born, and all that functions is the NeH”I from where she eats (the stomach). There’s the need for birth, Geula, this is Ani Havaya. The three Middos: Ahava, Yira, Rachamim are revealed thus as geula. Avoda: The revealing through Hisbonenus of Ahava, Yirah, Rachamim (and the idea that the Galus is only a test).
Vayedaber Elokim 5738 Class One.
Vayedaber Elokim 5738 Class Two. Point Three: Torah is brought down through the total Bittul of Moshe Rabbeinu. The Avos (3 Middos) are after all יש מי שאוהב while Moshe is really ונחנו מ”ה. Avoda: after doing the three Middos (through Hisbonenus) we can all achieve the highest Bittul and be עבד מלך מלך and even מאן מלכי רבנן.