Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class One. This class includes Perek 1, 10, 11, 12, 13 of the Ma’amar. The questions are raised (in the beginning) and resolved (in the end). Which comes first, Yidden’s choosing Hashem? or Hashem’s choosing Yidden? and the answer… His choosing Yidden allows Yidden to choose Him altruistically. It also explains the need (and value of and) for the choice (between two most unequal things) both on the Neshama level and on the Guf level. The class revolves around the idea of פנימית המקיף or פנימיות רצון העליון and the idea of פנימיות and אורות וכלים through מוחין. There is “high” (infinite, עיגולים) and there is “deep” (finite, ordered, complex, יושר) and the latter is deeper (and ultimately higher) than the former. So many different ideas were suggested to explain this. 1) ישר יחזו פנימו (introduction to the HaYom Yom) 2) Connection between מדות ורצון as opposed to שכל ועונג. The first (מדות ורצון) is about A. expression and outwardness, B. unity, the power of being on simple force (like a fist) The second (שכל ותענוג) is about A. inwardness, and going higher and deeper into the Soul, B. division and detail and order. 3) The Neshama is a “פנימי בעצם” at its core incredibly “loyal” and connected downward (also).
Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class One.
Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class Two. This class on Perakim 2-6. It begins with the famous Mashal of the King who comes to town with his ministers. Most people prefer to host the ministers, but one uniquely smart one “פיקח אחד” says I want to host only the King “אנא נסיב מלכא לגבאי.” There are four different explanations for this unique “intelligence”. 1) That the others are mistakenly attributing independent powers to the others that they don’t really have, but the “פיקח אחד” isn’t fooled. This is explained both for שיתוף and עבודה זרה. 2) The others aren’t making a mistake they are simply choosing expedience, what is free and more abundant over what must be earned and is measured. The “פיקח אחד” on the other hand understands the timeless nature of earning and deserving and getting פנימיות. 3) The “פיקח אחד” chooses the King not only for a greater reward “later” but for the עצם of the מלך. This actually makes sense. 4) This choice is first from the עצם הנשמה and only afterwards from the mind.
Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class Two.
Bayom Ashtei Asar Yom 5731, Class Three. In this third class the “פקחות” of the “פיקח אחד” are raised to entirely new levels, as he is preferring (not G-d versus Klipa, but) the Essence: Hashem to G-dliness!!! This is developed by a Ma’amar of the Alter Rebbe that describes a feast made by a king. There are five groups here, two that are not invited to the feast: dogs and lowly slaves; and three that are at the table: honorable slaves, officers and great officers. The lower two levels are Klipa [and Asiya] The higher three levels are Malachim, [Neshamos and] Sfiros and (even) higher than Sfiros. The Rebbe then connects this to the famous words of the Alter Rebbe: “I want You and You alone”. He further argues that one who seeks גילויים דאלקות can fall all the way until the simple mis-prioritization of עבודה זרה!!!