
19. Vihecherim 5718 (Acharon Shel Pesach)

Vihecherim 5718, Class One.
(In this Ma’amar) There are three levels of Havaya: 1) הוי’ דלתתא and 2) הוי’ דלעילא and הוי’ שבעצמות.
This class will discuss the first two of the three “Havaya”s.
A. Havaya דלתתא is the creation force and process which goes through the steps of Tzimtzum, understood by using the Moshol of a רב ותלמיד. The Rebbe explains the four steps of י’, ה’, ו’ ה as they are in a teacher and a student and also on High.
B. Havaya דלעילא is in רצון (Supernal Will) where all the steps of י’, ה’, ו’, ה are simultaneous, and in the נמשל למעלה, it means that the G-dliness enters the creation without Tzimtzum, but it reveals the G-dliness.
This recording was so long that I needed to divide it into two.

Vihecherim 5718, Class One Part ONE.
Vihecherim 5718, Class One Part TWO.

Vihecherim 5718, Class Two.
This class discusses the third Havaya- הוי’ שבעצמות.
It is also explained with the same Moshol of רב ותלמיד employing the idea of רצון המוחלט בעצמותו (which can be compared to “personality”.)
The Rebbe insists that at קרית ים סוף this third level was revealed (in a העלם and מקיף way) because 1) Mattan Torah (then) includes תורתו של משיח and 2) once one is connected to כתר, even on the level of חיצוניות, it automatically includes the פנימיות הכתר (which is עצמות).
He explains the פסוקים in ויושע that has 3 “Havaya”s 1) וירא ישראל את היד הגדולה אשר עשה הוי’ה and 2) ויראו העם את הוי’ה and 3) ויאמינו בהוי’ה.
[The third Havaya and the fear (from the hidden) and faith is connected to the Rebbe’s (53) אל תשחת לדוד מכ”תם].
These 3 are compared to the three “Havaya”s of this Ma’amar.

Vihecherim 5718, Class Two.

Vihecherim 5718, Class Three.
The beginning and the end of the Ma’amar are discussed here.
Two basic issues are discussed in this (particular) Ma’amar:
1) Why the “Nahar” is divided into seven divisions?
Answer: Because it is the effect of Birurim which has to do with the seven Midos.
2) What is the big deal about shoes?
Answer: Two ideas: A. leather is about Klipa and birur. B. After the Birur it is the “garment” to bring G-dliness even to the Malachim.
In the end even Atzmus (Havaya in Atzmus) is revealed.

Vihecherim 5718, Class Three.

Vihecherim 5718, Class Four.
This is a lecture on two of the ideas discussed in this Ma’amar:
1) The issue of the removal of sea to allow the land to rise which brings forward עפר, that הכל הי’ מן העפר, the power of יש מאין [for living things (כנלענ”ד ועצ”ע)] emerges.
2) The issue of רב and תלמיד and real אין ערוך is discussed. Normally there is סילוק שכל הרב לגמרי but here it remains in a נקודה and this is עצע”ג.

Vihecherim 5718, Class Four.

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