
33. Vihishalachti 5738

Vihishalachti 5738, Class One.
This class includes the first question of the מאמר: what is the meaning of והתהלכתי בתוככם after Hashem already promised ושכנתי בתוכם? Also What is the significance of walking doubly (והתהלכתי) from Hashem’s angle (as well as from our עבודה angle)?
And the answer to this question.
[The rest of the questions will be learned in later classes, where they will also be answered IYH].

Vihishalachti 5738 Class One.

Vihishalachti 5738, Class Two.
The remaining questions are asked and answered:
3-4) He is Out G-d and we are His nation how is this connected to לעתיד לבוא?
Answer: G-dliness becomes אלוקים and something much higher is הוי’ה; Being His עם doesn’t only mean עוממות it means עמו (close to Him) as well. This will be (only) לעתיד לבוא.
5) Why is יציאת מצרים mentioned here?
Answer: Just as then (during יציאת מצרים) there was unilateral action of Hashem to redeem us, similarly לעתיד if He wants we will be worthy of (and receive in fact) the revelation of והתהלכתי.
6) What is the big נרכה of קוממיות?
Answer: that even sinners do teshuva and achieve קוממיות and the only reason FOR the sin is the Teshuva!!

Vihishalachti 5738 Class Two.

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