
43. Vishinantum Livanecha 5738

Vishinantum Livanecha 5738 Part One.
This part of the Ma’amar explores the idea of 15 Menachem , the Aliya is proportionate to the yerida.
1) Pesach- Tzadik
2) Tishrei- Teshuva but step by step
3) 15 Menachem- Teshuva in an instant; at the moment of the Churban itself maximum Gilui.
0:00 – 1:00  Story – The Priest who wore Tefillin
1:00 – 6:07  Maamar of Vaeschanan – This is a maamar within a maamar,
the topic is the first and second parsha of kriyas shema.  The Rebbe
addresses the question -> In the text, why is the order first Torah
and then Mitzvos, and in the second case Mitzvos and then Torah? The
Rebbe is going to explain that the second parsha of Kriyas Shema is
higher than the first. This goes against what we commonly learn and
the Rebbe turns this on its head on this maamar.  The Rebbe originally
said the maamar on a Thursday night fabrengen before Shabbos
Vayeschanan in the year Tes Zayin Menachem. This recording will cover
perek beis, gimmel, and daled.  The second class will be
perek alef and the second half.
6:10 – 16:06  Start learning inside. Analysis of the months in which
aliyah comes after yerida
16: 07 – 21:45  Tishrei is different – the letters are backwards – the
work of Tishrei is also teshuva but it is in orderly gradual steps
which means it has some kind of limitation compared to the teshuva of
Av which comes “in an instant” after a large yerida of 9Av.
21:47 – 26:12  How can you say “in an instant” when there are 6 days
between 9Av and the determination that dying in the Midbar had
actually ended (it stopped on 9AV but they waited to see if it would
hold).  On 9AV there was an event of teshuva and on the same instant
there is the lowest low, there is the highest high.  The great
darkness of that moment is connected to the beginning of the arrival
of Moshiach.
26:14 –  36:05   Continuing inside (5 lines into page Shin Tzadik):
Baalei Teshuva go through a process but there is a moment when a
critical shift takes place which has nothing to do with seder.  There
are no greater Yomim Tovim than Chamisha Asar b’Av not even Yom
Kippur.  The reconnection after a deep disconnection is the greatest
aliyah.  9Av is the maximum yeridah and therefore Chamisha Asar b’Av
is the maximum aliyah.
36:06 – 42:30   Continuing inside (bottom of page Shin Tzadik):  The
principal is applied – there is no waste, nothing is done for no
reason. The depth of the descent is applied to the intensity of the
rise.  The neshama and the guf are sustained by the neshama in food
and the guf lives from the guf in food.  These lower spiritual and
physical aspects are what sustains the higher human neshama and guf –
because these aspects come from a lower fall of sparks which can in
turn sustain something higher.
42:33 – 45:56  Continuing inside (page Shin Tzadik Alef 2nd paragraph,
4th line):  God forbid that we would say Hashem is punishing of giving
revenge.  So what is galus if we earned it through our own sin – if it
is not a punishment?  The Rebbe says, it is correcting a lower wrong
so we can raise the sparks much higher.  Since there is no garbage can
– nothing is wasted – the low fall itself is the source of the rise.
45:56 – Summary and Intro to the 2nd Half (link)

Vishinantum Livabecha 5738 Part One.

Vishinantum Livanecha 5738 Part Two.
Summary:  A deeper descent leads to a higher ascent afterwards.
Discussion of Mitzvos versus Torah what is higher?
0:00 – 5:28 Intro summary and review of the above from class 1.
5:28 – 13:16 Reading inside – start at the beginning of the maamar on
page. shin peh vav  “V’shinantum l’fonecha b’dibartabam” plus story of
Rav Hadakov asking a shaalah to Reb Zalmon Shimon to illustrate the
point that knowledge of Torah should be so deep and complete that
answers can be given without hesitation. The point is this is like
“V’shinantum” where there is a “crispness” in the knowledge that it
can be applied and given over effortlessly.
13:16  Reading inside  “b’oseh ha rega – 2nd line on page shin peh
tes.  Perek Hei “V’hinei”.
16:33  Reading inside page shin tzadik beis – middle of the paragraph
– see the word “mitzvos” which is circled. Physical action of mitzvos
17:36  Rebbe on the nature of the brain “The more you use it the more
it stretches.  But the brain is in a physical case so it cannot expand
more than the size of the skull.  So the brain wrinkles and makes
folds.  This is the asiyah of yediyas Hashem”  See footnote 969 – vort
from the Frierdike Rebbe but Rabbi Paltiel heard it from The Rebbe.
18:06 – 19:29  Reading inside
19:30  Summarize and Clarify the key point of the maamar regarding
Chamisha Asar v’Av.  We are tying it into the idea of Torah before
Mitzvos or Mitzvos before Torah.
19:59  Reading inside “V’hinei” – Learning Torah or Mitzvos – which is
greater? Machlokes between Rabbi Akiva and Rav Tarfon presented
including their reasoning.
22:41  Reading inside last line on the page – page shin tzadik beis –
How can they both be right?
22:50  Top of page shin tzadik gimmel “Cannot be frum if you don’t
know Torah.  Cannot do anything if you don’t know”.
25:48 – 26:40 Student point and response on the wait for Moshaich
related to the discussion
26:41 – 29:43  continuing to conclusion “You have to first learn the
Torah which brings a person to do Mitzvos”
29:43 Connects to an inyan in Kabbalah in the next 8 lines (which
are also mentioned earlier in the maamar)**
34:08  Reading inside “The same is true when it comes to learning
Torah and doing Mitzvos…”
35:32  The Rebbe says “This is the pshat”….
39:08  Story from Reb Meir Itkin (Rabbi Paltiel collected from him
when they sat together at a family event)
45:38  The Rebbe is telling us the nikuda of the maamar…
47:40  Reading inside to the end from the top of the page shin tzadik hei

Vishinantum Livabecha 5738 Part Two.

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